• CRI News

D Magazine: CRI researcher named one of D Magazine’s Dallas 40

Hao Zhu, M.D., an Assistant Professor at the Children’s Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern, has been named one of the Dallas 40 by D Magazine.

Dr. Hao Zhu would like to make it abundantly clear that he didn’t plan to have an all-Asian lab. The cards just happen to fall that way when you’re researching organ regeneration and its implications for cirrhosis and liver cancer.

“It makes it easy when we go to lunch,” he says. “We just go to whatever Asian place we like.”

Between those lunches, Zhu runs one of four research labs at the Children’s Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern Medical Center, a joint venture launched in 2011 to build upon the clinical expertise of Children’s and the scientific research of UT Southwestern. The Harvard Medical School grad had his pick of research opportunities—Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York, Duke University Hospital in North Carolina—but the Dallas offer stuck out.

Continue reading at D Magazine.