
Graduate Students

CRI seeks exceptional graduate students interested in stem cell biology, cancer, genetics, or metabolism to join our institute. Students who have been accepted into the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at UT Southwestern Medical Center are invited to rotate through CRI labs.

Learn more about the admission guidelines and apply at UT Southwestern’s Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

CRI welcomed its first set of 2024-25 Postbaccalaureate Scholars: (from left) Mya Moore, Andrew Sanchez and Derek Santiago-Ferrer. 

CRI Postbaccalaureate Scholars

Recent college graduates who are interested in pursuing graduate research training (Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D.) in the biomedical sciences but who would like to obtain more research experience before applying to graduate school are invited to become CRI Postbaccalaureate Scholars. CRI scholars work in CRI laboratories that match their scientific interests, where they perform full-time research. Scholars also are enrolled in graduate-level courses and receive formal training in the responsible conduct of research. Scholars also participate in academic and professional development activities tailored to their specific individual needs (scientific seminars, scientific writing, interview skills, etc.). Under the guidance of CRI faculty members, CRI scholars learn the skills needed to successfully enter and complete a Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. program in the biomedical sciences. CRI scholars are part of the UT Southwestern Postbaccalaureate to Ph.D. (PB2PHD) Program, directed by Dr. Arnaldo Diaz Vazquez, and co-directed by Dr. Javier Garcia-Bermudez.

Each scholar receives a competitive stipend/research assistantship, individual health insurance, support to attend a scientific conference, and payment of their tuition and fees. Students from underrepresented backgrounds, as defined by the NIH, are encouraged to apply.

The application runs annually from Oct. 1 to March 1. To apply, please visit the PB2PHD Program.

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